And then, out of nowhere, the world is on hold… It looks like the Universe has pushed the pause button on life as we know it. We’re suddenly forced to stay at home and get back to the basics of life. It’s starts us thinking about whether it’s time...
Stop Negative Thoughts Negative Thoughts Hold you back We all strive to keep negative thoughts at bay. It is our goal to focus on positive things; but, sometimes it is a challenge to keep our minds from ruminating on things that bring us down. Here are three simple...
Anger Management with Re-Frame Method Anger management, sometimes not an easy task. I was speaking with a friend the other day; and she was really angry about an earlier interaction with a co-worker. In fact, she was so angry that she could barely even tell me about...
Small Jobs Matter Too Small jobs, you know the ones; we take them to fill in gaps. To pay the bills until something better comes along. There are a couple of different things that can happen in this circumstance. One, we can treat this “job” as if it is our career and...
Five Daily Behaviors That Can Sabotage Your Career Ever wonder why the person in the next cubicle is being promoted instead of you? You work just as hard, if not harder, so why are you passed over? People seem to like you, you do a good job. So, what are you doing...