Influential Executives.
Impactful Teams.

Uplevel Your Leadership in 2024.

It’s easy enough to see the results of misaligned leadership in business – high turnover, lack of direction, frustrated, underachieving teams.

The solution is waiting on the other side of powerful executive coaching, organizational leadership development, and strong community. Leverage time, people, social intelligence, and business acumen to deliver results that propel your organization forward.

Who am I to work with you on this?

Hi, I’m Cynthia Corsetti and I’ve been coaching C-suite executives for nearly 13 years. Before that, I was a C-suite executive. I see you, I hear you, I get you.

Unlock Your Full Potential.

These signature programs are carefully curated to get the results you need in a way that goes beyond a workshop or a training. This is real change from within that will transform your career.

For Organizations

The hands-on, results-oriented approach to leadership development that you’ve been waiting for

For Individuals

Become the leader you’ve always wanted to be through 1:1 Executive Mastery Coaching

Career Transition

The ultimate career upgrade program and your ticket to more fulfillment and purpose in your work

High performing executives hire me to help them gain confidence and clarity to take their teams to a higher level, build influence, and make an impact. 

We work with executives from:


At Cynthia Corsetti Coaching and CARE to Lead®, we believe that the true essence of leadership lies in nurturing and developing the leaders around us. Our mission is to empower and equip individuals with the skills, insights, and confidence they need to inspire and lead others effectively. We are dedicated to creating a ripple effect of positive change by fostering a culture of continuous growth, empathy, and resilience.

Through personalized coaching, engaging content, and impactful speaking, we strive to support leaders in their journey to build stronger, more connected teams and communities. Our goal is to ensure that every leader we touch can realize their potential and, in turn, help others do the same.

Hear what our clients have to say:

Dustin Kuhlman

It’s been helpful with Cynthia that I could talk about situations in real time and in advance of actually having a difficult conversation. She’s flexible, one day we can talk about goals and the next about how to coach an employee.

President and CEO at Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.

Anke Mulder
It’s hard to put into words how big of an impact working with Cynthia has had. The way I show up during work meetings and increasingly high level leadership meetings is night and day different from the way I showed up previously.

Chief Technologist,
Research & Life Sciences
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Brian Trybend
As an executive coach, she has been instrumental in helping me leverage my leadership skills and is providing great tools to take this to the next level.

Chief Financial Officer
SAE International

Brian Trybend
Working with Cynthia helped me first understand what I needed to do in this role, and helped me drive that to the team. She really helped me bring the team along with me.
Jay Solomond
PRI Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

The Results Speak For Themselves.

My high reaching executives have seen pay and revenue increases of over 30% within the first three months of our journey.

My CoActive Coaching Methods are designed to uncover your barriers to success.

In taking these steps, you have the power to find greater job satisfaction, more influence within your organization, and a boost to your bottom line.

The Results Speak For Themselves.

My high reaching executives have seen pay and revenue increases of over 30% within the first three months of our journey.

My CoActive Coaching Methods are designed to uncover your barriers to success.

In taking these steps, you have the power to find greater job satisfaction, more influence within your organization, and a boost to your bottom line.

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