
We’re talking work-life balance, mindfulness, and career changes at any stage of life. Leave a comment on your favorite article. I’d love to hear your feedback and questions!
Why ‘Leadership’ is a Full-Time Job

Why ‘Leadership’ is a Full-Time Job

You're the expert in your field, and your stellar performance has propelled you to the top. But as you take your seat ...
Breaking the Silence: Engaging in Difficult Conversations with Confidence

Breaking the Silence: Engaging in Difficult Conversations with Confidence

Have you ever walked away from a conversation, your heart pounding and mind swirling with frustration or regret, wishing you had spoken ...
Facts vs. Opinions - How to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

Facts vs. Opinions – How to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

Have you ever been in a high-stakes meeting, passionately advocating for a project, only to find yourself locked in a battle of ...
Get Out of the Weeds and Lead

Get Out of the Weeds and Lead

Are you constantly overwhelmed by the never-ending demands of your team, finding yourself mired in daily firefighting instead of steering the ship? ...
💪 Mastering the Art of Managing Up

💪 Mastering the Art of Managing Up

Are you feeling lost in the corporate maze? Struggling to communicate your needs to your manager? Or perhaps you've grappled with understanding ...
Three Steps to Stop Interruptions in Their Tracks!

Three Steps to Stop Interruptions in Their Tracks!

Constant interruptions with questions and discussions are hindering productivity. A solution may lie in organizing our communication more thoughtfully ...
Eliminate Victim Mentality - Embrace Empowerment

Eliminate Victim Mentality – Embrace Empowerment

Have you ever felt like you can’t win, no matter what you do? I’m not talking about people who have been truly ...
🫤 The Trap of Over Generalizing - “Everyone” and “Always”

🫤 The Trap of Over Generalizing – “Everyone” and “Always”

Have you ever heard statements like 'Everybody does it' or 'We always do it this way'? These sweeping statements might sound trivial ...
🛑 Stop Saying “It’s Fine” When It’s Not.

🛑 Stop Saying “It’s Fine” When It’s Not.

Have you ever felt a conversation suddenly shut down with statements like 'It's fine' or 'It's no big deal?’ When, in reality, ...
😳 Breaking Imposter Syndrome

😳 Breaking Imposter Syndrome

You've just landed that dream job. You worked hard for it and you know you deserve it. But instead of basking in ...
⏳ Master Your Meetings: Reclaim Your Time

⏳ Master Your Meetings: Reclaim Your Time

Have you ever walked out of a meeting feeling like you've just lost hours of your life you'll never get back, with ...
Uncover Your Leadership Blindspots - Here's How

Uncover Your Leadership Blindspots – Here’s How

We’ve all had those moments that stop us in our tracks. Moments when we receive feedback that not only surprises us, it ...