
We’re talking work-life balance, mindfulness, and career changes at any stage of life. Leave a comment on your favorite article. I’d love to hear your feedback and questions!
Time Saver

Time Saver – Touch it Only Once

Time Saver - Touch it Only Once It’s 10:00pm. Do you know where your day has gone? Time has a way of ...
Stop Being Offended

Stop Being Offended

Stop Being Offended Wayne Dyer, best-selling author, and lecturer uses the phrase, “stop being offended” in his highly acclaimed Power of Intention ...
Get Your Resume Noticed

Ten Ways to Get Your Resume Noticed

Ten Ways to Get Your Resume Noticed In today’s competitive job market it is sometimes difficult to stand out from the crowd ...
My Ego

Does Your Ego Control You?

Does Your Ego Control You? Ego. Webster defines Ego as the “I” or self of any person. Eckhart Tolle in his book ...
Your mind is a powerful tool

You Attract what You Think (Really, you do)

You Attract what You Think (Really, you do) I was chatting with a friend yesterday and by the end of the conversation, ...
Resume sorting

Tips For Sorting Through Resumes

Tips For Sorting Through Resumes When a person pulls together their resume they are creating a marketing campaign. They are marketing themselves ...
Yoga postions

What a Yoga Pose Taught Me About Fear

What a Yoga Pose Taught Me About Fear's bigger than you think! When you think of yoga, the last word you ...