
We’re talking work-life balance, mindfulness, and career changes at any stage of life. Leave a comment on your favorite article. I’d love to hear your feedback and questions!
Five Barriers to Creative Thinking

Five Barriers to Creative Thinking

Let’s face it: we all know that being creative and innovative is key to achieving success. And we often think of ourselves ...
Strategic Leadership: Balancing Short-Term Results with Long-Term Vision

Strategic Leadership: Balancing Short-Term Results with Long-Term Vision

What I've learned over the years is that leaders often find themselves at a crossroads. On the one hand, there's the constant ...
Communication’s Hidden Cost: Protecting Your Success

Communication’s Hidden Cost: Protecting Your Success

As you read through today's newsletter, please remember that what follows might not only save you time and effort but also prevent ...
Why Developing Your Replacement is a Key Career Strategy

Why Developing Your Replacement is a Key Career Strategy

What if I told you that the most important role of a leader is to develop the next leader? I’m totally serious ...
Four Common LinkedIn Mistakes And How to Avoid Them

Four Common LinkedIn Mistakes And How to Avoid Them

Are you allowing the untapped potential of LinkedIn to slip through your fingers simply because you're not actively job hunting? The missed ...
Is Your Team Playing The Blame Game?

Is Your Team Playing The Blame Game?

Is someone (or several someones) on your team always finding someone else to blame, never taking responsibility, and stuck in a victim ...
Does Conflict Stress You Out?

Does Conflict Stress You Out?

Today, I'm sharing a three-step guide to resolve conflicts without the cortisol spike. Imagine a world where conflict doesn't equate to stress ...
Beyond the Comfort Zone: Choosing Between Job Change and Career Transformation

Beyond the Comfort Zone: Choosing Between Job Change and Career Transformation

Have you ever caught yourself in the middle of a busy day, questioning whether you're on the right path in your career? ...
Strategic Reflections: Closing Your Leadership Year Strongly

Strategic Reflections: Closing Your Leadership Year Strongly

Leading without year-end reflection is like steering a Fortune 500 company without a business strategy. It's not just risky; it's counterintuitive to ...
Why Your Virtual Meetings Are Failing

Why Your Virtual Meetings Are Failing

We’ve all been there, right? Trying to engage on a virtual call with people with cameras turned off, reading emails, or organizing ...
Navigating the No-Win Scenario

Navigating the No-Win Scenario

Are you unintentionally setting your team up for failure? The double bind scenario – a no-win situation where conflicting demands lead to ...
Redefining 1:1 Meetings: From Status Updates to Growth Catalysts

Redefining 1:1 Meetings: From Status Updates to Growth Catalysts

How you've been meeting is likely killing creativity, stifling communication, and slowing progress. It's time to turn the tables. Too many one-on-one ...