Escape Your Rut Self-created misery Is it easy to escape your rut? Have you ever wondered why we, the intelligent human beings that we are, often find ourselves trapped in self-created ruts anyway? I say self-created because we set the stage for the rut without...
The Concept of Temporary Life Stages are Temporary Life stages are temporary, and recently I was reminded of that fact. My daughter is a recent law school graduate with a newly minted JD successful bar exam under her belt. However, she is not working as a lawyer just...
Stop Being Offended Wayne Dyer, best-selling author, and lecturer uses the phrase, “stop being offended” in his highly acclaimed Power of Intention series. Very simple words, very simple thought. Yet, it is likely one of the most difficult things I had to learn as I...
What a Yoga Pose Taught Me About Fear Fear…it’s bigger than you think! When you think of yoga, the last word you think of is fear. I mean, who’s afraid of yoga right? Calm, zen, peaceful yoga. It’s been an important part of my life for years. ...