Is someone (or several someones) on your team always finding someone else to blame, never taking responsibility, and stuck in a victim mentality? It’s a pattern we’ve all witnessed, and it can be draining on both the individual and the entire team. The...
Are Conflicts Leaving You Stressed and Drained? If the thought of addressing a conflict feels like a punch to the gut, you’re not alone. The reality is that conflict is an unavoidable part of life, and most of us don’t know how to navigate it without a...
Have you ever walked away from a conversation, your heart pounding and mind swirling with frustration or regret, wishing you had spoken up? Whether it’s a disagreement with a colleague, feeling hurt by a comment, or concern over a major company decision, silence...
Have you ever been in a high-stakes meeting, passionately advocating for a project, only to find yourself locked in a battle of opinions? Your colleagues are just as entrenched in their views, and the room becomes a war zone of conflicting ideas. What if you knew that...
Have you ever felt a conversation suddenly shut down with statements like ‘It’s fine’ or ‘It’s no big deal?’ When, in reality, everyone knows it’s ‘not’ fine, and it ‘is’ a big deal? These closed-down statements, lead to confusion,...
We’ve all had those moments that stop us in our tracks. Moments when we receive feedback that not only surprises us, it literally leaves us scratching our heads. ???? Perhaps it’s a comment from a colleague about a leadership decision or a suggestion from a friend...