
We’re talking work-life balance, mindfulness, and career changes at any stage of life. Leave a comment on your favorite article. I’d love to hear your feedback and questions!
Perspective. It is a simple word that can be used in seven different ways as a noun and one as an adjective.

Perspective is More Powerful Than Reality….Here’s Why

Because this one word is so powerful, I’m curious to know, just how much impact perspective has on your performance at work ...
Toxic work

Toxic People Hurt Your Business

As a business owner or executive, you might prefer to ignore the toxic people and the office drama.  You may even feel that ...

Choose Confidence

Choose Confidence Did you ever watch a toddler learn to ski? Young children learn to ski without the assistance of ski poles ...
secret voices

The Secret Voice of your Inner Fraud

The Secret Voice of Your Inner Fraud Congratulations! You have reached the pinnacle of the corporate ladder. You are well-respected, highly compensated ...
in a rut

Are you In a Job RUT?

Are you In a Job RUT? Most of us have days when we feel that we are in a job RUT. The ...
Reframe method

Anger Management with Re-Frame Method

 Anger Management with Re-Frame Method Anger management, sometimes not an easy task. I was speaking with a friend the other day; and ...
5 Reasons to Stop Being Offended

5 Reasons to Stop Being Offended

5 Reasons to Stop Being Offended! I jumped off the phone yesterday screaming to myself... stop being offended by everything!  Honestly, most ...

When Weakness Becomes Strength

When Weakness Becomes a Strength Can a strength also be a weakness?  As a coach I teach my clients to focus on their strengths ...
Small Jobs Matter Too

Small Jobs Matter Too

Small Jobs Matter Too Small jobs, you know the ones; we take them to fill in gaps. To pay the bills until ...

Forgiveness Can Help you Reach Your Goals

Forgiveness Can Help you Reach Your Goals Goal setting and forgiveness Forgiveness usually doesn't make us think of goal setting. But, do ...
daily meditating

Make Meditation a Daily Habit

Why You Should Make Meditation a Daily Habit And Five Tips to Make it Easy "Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ...
Escape Your Rut

Escape Your Rut

  Escape Your Rut Self-created misery Is it easy to escape your rut? Have you ever wondered why we, the intelligent human ...